Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Raped of my masculinity!
There I was this morning trundling along when I was suddenly joined by one of the 'Lycra lads'...on his carbon framed flier, decked out in his miscellaneous Lycra outfit, looking quite the part. I thought I'd come to a halt on my steel steamroller, sandwich packed panniers bulging. He sped past and of course my competitive ego leaped in to action... I managed to stay with him for a good 3 metres! Fool that I am.

However, what made me smile was the fact he still said good morning as he flew past. Cycling has a good feel factor about it and I think its because it seems to be a classless fraternity. I doesn't matter what the hell you are riding or what you are wearing, or where you are going. Everyone knows that you're up against the same crap as them - legs muscles, weather and nutters on the road.

300 mile landmark today! I know that's not a lot in real cyclists terms, its just that I'm quite surprised how quickly that figure came around.  I'm following another blog about a chap going from Leeds to Melbourne!
Now, that's a bit of a jaunt.

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