Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Raped of my masculinity!
There I was this morning trundling along when I was suddenly joined by one of the 'Lycra lads'...on his carbon framed flier, decked out in his miscellaneous Lycra outfit, looking quite the part. I thought I'd come to a halt on my steel steamroller, sandwich packed panniers bulging. He sped past and of course my competitive ego leaped in to action... I managed to stay with him for a good 3 metres! Fool that I am.

However, what made me smile was the fact he still said good morning as he flew past. Cycling has a good feel factor about it and I think its because it seems to be a classless fraternity. I doesn't matter what the hell you are riding or what you are wearing, or where you are going. Everyone knows that you're up against the same crap as them - legs muscles, weather and nutters on the road.

300 mile landmark today! I know that's not a lot in real cyclists terms, its just that I'm quite surprised how quickly that figure came around.  I'm following another blog about a chap going from Leeds to Melbourne!
Now, that's a bit of a jaunt.

Monday, 10 September 2012

What a wonderful, wet and windy, winding way to Winslow....wet weather christening this morning.
 I see a few hardened cycle commuters every morning and I knew that when they saw me recently, they were thinking - 'ha! sunny day new boy on the route!'.....no longer! SOAKED TO THE SKIN! haha.

There is something quite exhilarating about battling the elements. And something quite terrifying at how close drivers seem to be in the morning race to the office! Not all drivers of course.

Hopefully the bike will stay in better health this week. I had to have the rear wheel trued, as it all felt too wobbly last week. The trouble with doing an old bike up, is gauging at which point you stop spending on it and decide whether you need to buy a new one! Hopefully, I have now spent as much as need be to keep it on the commuting run.

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

A beautiful September morning...

I love the fact that this bridge doesn't come from or lead to anywhere!

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Okay! I know I've only been doing this commute by bike thing for a week or so but today I had to use the car... needed to collect some paint.

I did consider putting it in the panniers but is was quite a lot and I had visions of careering down the hill past the golf club, unbalanced, not being able to brake at the bottom by the sheer weight, then being covered in differing shades of Dulux! (No, not fifty shades of grey! )This was a realistic thought, especially after yesterday's little tumble.

The trip to work felt particularly dull, even with the window open, it didn't feel the same as the canal path. I didn't get to work with same feeling of achievement as yesterday. Tomorrow beckons...

Monday, 3 September 2012

This has to be better for the soul than the bypass. Certainly more enjoyable
from my point of view as I tootle a long in the morning.

Reassuring to know that the phrase 'Good morning' still exists too!
Oh yes, I hear it said now by people walking their dogs, people 
on canal boats, cyclists, joggers and the like... 

Maybe the ever angry car driver could lean out of their window and shout...

 "top a the morning to ya', 
"no! please, you go first - I'm in no hurry"
"sorry! my mistake"

Oops! getting all Victor Meldrew

Good job I was wearing my helmet this morning as came off bike!!!, trouble was - I was in the front garden and in front of my beloved!!! I can't be sure, but I think she gave a little titter.
I suppose I should explain how this cycling situation came about. Having run a 10K for charity (re work) and finding that it cost me more in Chiropractic care than I actually managed to raise, jogging seemed to be a thing of the past, as my body kindly informed me.

The toilet facilities at the office were in desperate need of updating..... to this century! This has been done. We now have a wonderful, shiny, clean bathroom - of which a shower is included. Now, the mere thought of exercise brings me out in tiny beads of perspiration, as those who know me will testify to!

Therefore, said shower is a must for me when arriving at the office.

 Everything was coming together beautifully, only the bike to sort out. Those old enough to remember Chitty, chitty Bang Bang will recall Caractacus Potts in his shed, banging and clanking about until the glorious flying machine came out.....well! Very similar situation with my self. You will see from picture herewith... a beauty. A little tweak here and there...and as one of my 'wonderful' ? daughters mentioned - 'Midnight Spitfire' dad!...teenage daughters?

Some lights, some panniers, 'Midnight Spitfire' poised and ready....the ever increasing middle age spread shall be slowed to a snails pace...a little similar to my cycling speed...

Saturday, 1 September 2012

Here is the trusty steed!... Rebuilt, resprayed...
(Seems to be working at the moment!)