Friday, 31 August 2012

...things have escalated! Not only have I decided to commute by bike, I have also decided to blog such nonsense!
Why would I do this? I have absolutely no idea...well maybe I do.
 This will provide choice; i.e. to read or not to read, as the great man put it.  If I post such rubbish on FB it feels more forced upon, however, if I attach the link to said blog its up to you. Cezanne once said "If people like my paintings, that's their problem". I always liked that.

Why I feel the need to write about my ride to and from work is obviously of more serious concern and one that I shall attach to the mid-life crisis file!

I read quite a few blogs and have always wondered about the need to write one. I'll give it a go and see what comes spewing out. Of course there is the very realistic chance that it is simply a silly whim and like most things - I will lose interest in about two weeks - having found something else to amuse me. Anyway, enough of that self analysis crap, lets think what to write.

As this is meant to be about a commute to and from work, I should look at the journey in question to provide a minds-eye view. I have made this journey by car for over ten years and can actually tell you very little about the villages I pass through. I think this is primarily where the car lets us down. We are cocooned in these vehicles and always slightly shut off  from our surroundings. The weather plays no major part in car travel, unless of course it snows.

 A journey by bike, however, gives us a completely different viewpoint... am I to arrive at work dry? or pissed wet through to the bone! The beautifully flat road travelled by car has somehow been turned into a mini Pyrenees over night! The light south-easterly morning breeze is now showing me that it is actually the tail end of some stupidly named hurricane off the coast of Florida! All this, and it is only 7.00am!!!

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